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Livraison à Paris

La franc-maçonnerie à Paris : Histoire et influence

Freemasonry in Paris : History and Influence


Paris, city of light and cradle of many intellectual, social and political revolutions, has played a leading role in the history of Freemasonry since its beginnings in France. This initiatory movement, which has its origins in the builders' guilds of the Middle Ages, has evolved over the centuries to become an influential network of thought and action. The history of Freemasonry in Paris is rich and complex, reflecting the social, political and cultural transformations of the French capital.

The first Parisian Lodges

The Essor in the 18th Century

Freemasonry took root in Paris in the early 18th century, a period marked by a strong enthusiasm for Enlightenment ideas. The first Parisian lodges, often made up of intellectual and political elites, served as crucibles for progressive ideas, particularly in terms of liberty, equality and fraternity.

Role in Parisian society

These lodges quickly acquired significant influence, attracting members of the nobility, intellectuals, artists and politicians. They became places of exchange and debate, helping to spread the revolutionary ideas that were to revolutionize France and the world.

Masonic influence on Paris

Contribution to the urban landscape

Freemasonry has left its mark on the architecture and urban landscape of Paris. Many Parisian buildings and monuments bear Masonic symbols and ideals, testifying to the Masonic brothers' commitment to the city's development.

Involvement in historical events

Members of Parisian Freemasonry played an active role in major events in French history, notably the French Revolution. Their influence also extended to the fields of education, culture and politics, helping to shape modern French society.

The Apogee and Challenges of the 19th and 20th Centuries

Expansion and diversification

In the 19th century, Parisian Freemasonry experienced a new boom, with the multiplication of lodges and the broadening of their social composition. This period also saw the emergence of different rites and obediences, reflecting the diversity of currents of thought within Masonry.

Resistance and persecution

In the 20th century, Parisian Freemasonry faced major challenges, particularly during the two world wars and under the Vichy regime, when it was persecuted. Despite these trials, Parisian lodges continued to promote their ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity.

Parisian Freemasonry Today

Vitality and commitment

Today, Paris is home to a multitude of active lodges, representing a wide diversity of obediences and rites. These lodges are involved in numerous charitable, cultural and educational activities, contributing to the capital's dynamic social and intellectual life.

Openness and dialogue

Parisian Freemasonry is characterized by its commitment to openness and dialogue with society. Through public lectures, exhibitions and publications, it seeks to demystify masonry and promote a message of tolerance and fraternity.


The history of Freemasonry in Paris is inseparable from the history of the French capital itself. From the first lodges in the 18th century to the present day, Parisian Freemasons have contributed to the city's cultural, social and intellectual development. Despite turbulent times, they have preserved and passed on a richly instructive heritage. Freemasonry in Paris remains a major player in civic life, symbolizing an unwavering commitment to the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity that lie at the heart of the French identity.


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