Dignitaires Grande Loge de France (GLDF)





Grand Lodge of France (GLDF) : Tradition and Openness


The Grand Lodge of France (GLDF), founded in 1894, positions itself as one of the main Masonic obediences in France. It distinguishes itself by its commitment to Masonic traditions while opening itself to contemporary thought. The GLDF is recognized for its spiritual and symbolic approach to Freemasonry, offering an initiatory path that combines rigor and a quest for meaning.


Foundation and Origins

The GLDF was established in a context of diversification and renewal of Freemasonry in France at the end of the 19th century. Its origins can be traced back to the demand by the French Craft Lodges of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite to be able to organise themselves into a Grand Lodge with democratic functioning, whereas until then they had been subject to the very hierarchical Supreme Council of France.

Evolution and Development

Throughout the 20th century, the GLDF has evolved by integrating the challenges of its time while preserving the essence of its Masonic identity. It has navigated through periods of war and peace, crisis and prosperity, adapting its discourse and practices to the needs of its members and society.

Principles and Values 

Spirituality and Symbolism

The GLDF places particular emphasis on the spiritual and symbolic dimension of Freemasonry. It encourages its members to engage in personal reflection through symbols and rituals, aiming for the moral and intellectual fulfillment of the individual.

Universality and Fraternity

Universality is at the heart of the GLDF's approach, advocating openness and respect among all human beings, beyond differences in beliefs, origins, or conditions. Fraternity is lived daily through acts of solidarity and in the social and cultural engagement of the obedience.

Organization and functioning 

Structure and Governance

The GLDF is organized into lodges that enjoy a certain autonomy within the framework of the general rules of the obedience. Its governance is based on democratic principles, with an elected Grand Master and an annual convention where important decisions are made.

Rites and Practices

The GLDF mainly practices the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, while also welcoming other Masonic rites. This ritual diversity enriches reflection and allows each member to find an initiatory path that suits them.

Recognition and Relations 

Interobediential Relations

The GLDF maintains fraternal relations with many other obediences, both in France and internationally. It actively participates in Masonic dialogue and common initiatives, while defending its uniqueness and independence.

Social and Cultural Impact

The GLDF contributes to public debate through its reflections on major societal issues. It organizes conferences and events open to the public, demonstrating its commitment to the dissemination of Masonic culture and values.


The Grand Lodge of France represents a unique path in the Masonic landscape, combining respect for tradition and openness to the contemporary world. Its approach, based on spirituality, symbolism, and universality, makes it a privileged space for personal development and fraternity, committed to building a fairer and more harmonious world.