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Joseph de Maistre, an unexpected Freemason
In continental Europe, and particularly in France, Freemasons are often thought to be necessarily progressive, republican, democratic, agnostic or even atheist, willingly anti-clerical and always committed to social progress. That...
Hubert Germain, a Freemason
On 21 September 2021, Hubert Germain died, the last of the "Compagnons de la Libération", an order created by General de Gaulle in 1944 to honour the fighters of Free...
Hiram and Father Christmas/Santa Claus
Do you believe in Father Christma/Santa Claus? And do you believe in Hiram? Strange questions at first glance, but not so much on closer inspection. Hiram and Father Christmas/Santa Claus...
Pierre Brossolette, a freemason
Somewhat overshadowed by the figure of Jean Moulin at the time of the Liberation in 1945, Pierre Brossolette remains one of the main figures of the French Resistance during the...
Victor Schoelcher and the Abolition of Slavery
Perhaps little known outside France, Victor Schoelcher was a Freemason who actively campaigned for the abolition of slavery. The abolition of slavery in France was a long story, spanning 1315,...
Hiram and Halloween
Halloween is only a few days away and our shops and streets are already overflowing with pumpkins, skulls, skeletons and all manner of ghoulish and morbid displays, often inspired by...
Jesse Jackson, a Freemason
Everyone knows Jesse Jackson as a civil rights activist, a man who fought against all forms of discrimination, a politician who aspired to the White House and who is often...
Shaquille O'Neal, a Prince Hall Mason
If you love basketball, you'll know Shaquille O'Neal, nicknamed Shaq. Standing 2.16 metres tall, weighing 147 kilograms and wearing a size 63 shoe, Shaquille O'Neal is one of the heaviest...
Laura Ingalls-Wilder, or Little Chapter on the Prairie
Who doesn't know the Little House on the Prairie series, which has moved so many homes since 1974 ? Who has forgotten the lessons in humanity that Charles Ingalls taught...
The mysterious Andrew Michael Ramsay
What Freemason has not heard the name of Andrew Michael Ramsay ? Ramsay and his famous speech (actually, his two speeches) are an essential part of Masonic mythology. Have you...
George Washington, a Freemason
George Washington, Founding Father and First President of the United States of America, was an eminent Freemason. But while we know that he was a Freemason, we know relatively little...
Tubal Caïn, un personnage sulfureux en franc-maçonnerie
Les rituels maçonniques comptent de nombreux noms de personnages bibliques. Ce n’est pas étonnant quand on sait que la franc-maçonnerie est née dans un terreau résolument chrétien. Certains noms s’imposent...